A Serendipity Christmas
Updated: Aug 25, 2021
I just love Christmas! The holiday cheer, the Christmas music, the gift giving and light seeing! Lets not forget the cold weather, which means hot cocoa, crockpot meals, cozy jammies and Christmas movies! Everything about this time of year I absolutely LOVE and that's why I go big for Christmas photoshoots! I want my families to have an unforgettable session. Kinda like the meaning behind the word Serendipity, coming across something that brings value to you. I want a magical moment for my families! These pictures will be a memory they can look back on and cherish forever.

Back in 2018 I had a small room in my house I used as a studio space. I had one Christmas set I put together and loved everything about it. At that time it was perfect and the kids enjoyed it! I knew from that point on I was going to go BIG for Christmas. I quickly outgrew my little room so we renovated our garage into my new studio space!

Throughout the year my husband, kids and I worked hard on the new studio.
From the cleaning, to painting and putting it all together my dreams were finally becoming reality!
I wrote a blog all about putting the studio together you can check it out here.

Before we knew it the studio was complete and we were getting ready for Christmas sessions!
I knew I wanted multiple sets for my families and we were able to put 3 amazing ones together! One featured a baking set. You should have seen me putting my marketing photos together for this, it was hysterical! The babies kept throwing the props on the floor and eating the fake cookies haha!

The second set featured a bed and headboard. This was for my families to get comfy in Christmas jammies and read The Night Before Christmas to the kiddos! As you can see I attempted to take a picture of my family with the camera on the tripod!
Hey, it worked out! Haha

My third set featured a fireplace and presents! This set was cozy and made the kids feel like it was Christmas morning. It was perfect for the whole family!

I also had goodie bags for all the kiddos and played Christmas music during the sessions. The joy of Christmas was all around us!

Fast forward a year and boom its time for 2020 sessions!

If you've learned anything then you know I had to go bigger this year. Yup, we managed to get 4 sets together! I was so excited about Christmas photos that I started buying backdrops in July!

When I first started my business I had only dreamed of putting together an entire studio full of Christmas sets. Now that dream is my reality and I am so happy that I am able to bring so much joy to so many people.

I put a ton of thought into my Christmas sets and they were a hit! The bedroom set was gorgeous and perfect for the entire family!

Below is my son Blake and daughter Faith modeling my 2020 kitchen baking set!

To top the new year off we added a new addition to our family. Meet Hazel Marie our baby husky. You know I had to take her Christmas photos. Haha. She is 8 weeks here.
Im already thinking about next years 2021 Christmas sets! I can't wait to see what's in store.
